History is crucial to our curriculum at Wellington Primary School to enable our children to develop into well-rounded global citizens that can engage meaningfully with the increasingly complex and confusing world around them.
The History curriculum at Wellington has been planned so that children will:
- Gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
- Build a secure understanding of chronology and of how the past has impacted the present.
- Discover how historical sources can be interpreted in a variety of ways encouraging children to evaluate evidence in terms of usefulness and reliability.
- Be stimulated to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence and sift arguments.
- Develop perspective and judgement and have the vocabulary needed to do so.
- Use historical language to communicate their learning in a variety of outcomes and to a range of different audiences.
- Develop a sense of personal identity through learning about the past.
- Be inspired to take a lifelong interest in history.
To find out how children's learning progresses in History, click here.
To read the key questions and associated knowledge that children learn in History at Wellington click here.
coming soon
In Nursery children learn about their own familiy history as part of the All About Me Special Box sessions.