Our policies describe how we do things at Wellington. Some of them are model policies from the Local Authority or our personnel providers. Others are written by us to reflect what we believe to be best practice. But all of them are carefully considered and regularly reviewed by governors before being adopted.
Click on the links to read individual policies and, if there’s anything you can't find, you would like a paper copy of any policy, or you have any queries, come into the office or contact the school on 020 8980 2413.
Health, Relationships and Sex Education
Disaster recovery and business continuity
Equalities information and objectives
Securing education for children with health needs
Health and safety
Safeguarding and welfare
Children's versions of behaviour and anti-bullying policies:
Child protection and safeguarding
Suspension and exclusions and Tower Hamlets exclusions guidance
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
Tower Hamlets Safeguarding Children Partnership - Child protection procedures
Tower Hamlets Safeguarding Children Partnership - Managing allegations of abuse