We are very lucky at Wellington that everyone is so well behaved. We have high expectations for behaviour at our school and we are committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning.
Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and to encourage others to do the same.
We have three rules at Wellington and we believe these are rules for everyone in their lives - for our children, our staff and our whole school community.
Our rules link to our values. To find out more about how our vision and values link to our behaviour policy and underpin our curriculum, click here.
To read our Behaviour Policy, click here.
Our behaviour curriculum is delivered through our whole-school unit of work, We are Wellington - You, me, community, taught at the beginning of each academic year. For further details, click here to see information about what is taught, and here to see progression for this unit of work.
To see our Y1-Y6 knowledge organisers for this unit of work, click here: Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6.
Rules for life!
Our rules for life are Ready, Respectful, Safe and our values are Learning, Respect and Wellbeing.
The rule is Ready because we value Learning for life.
The rule is Respectful because we value Respect for ourselves, each other and our world.
The rule is Safe because we value Wellbeing, keeping ourselves and others physically and emotionally safe and well.
Rules for life!
Our behaviour posters illustrate what each of our rules mean.